TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2024
“For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?” Matthew 5:19
There’s a purpose behind the institution of marriage and it’s unwise to get married without knowing God’s purpose for the marriage institution; and God’s purpose for your marriage. In our theme verse, Jesus said there’s a cause or a reason for marriage. So, what is this cause or reason? The answer is found in Genesis Chapter 2. Jesus was actually referencing Gen 2:24.
A careful study of Genesis Chapter 2 will reveal that the woman was created as a solution to a unique problem. God created, formed, put man in the garden and gave him an assignment to cultivate the garden and guard it. Then God said, “It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him”. Obviously, man needed help with the assignment that God gave him. God decided to help him and the help came in the form of Woman.
Adam was the first man and God put the seven Billion or so humans on earth today in his loins. In Adam, you find God’s design and pattern for all humanity. Colossians 1:16, says “…..all things were created by him, and for him”. So, if God created you, he created you for His purpose. You’re not here just to make up numbers, there’s an assignment that God wants you to accomplish for him. Ephesians 2:10 confirms this.
Adam didn’t need help until God gave him an assignment. Until a man knows God’s purpose for creating him, God’s assignment for him, its good for him to be alone. One of the reasons many husbands abuse their wives is because they married her not knowing why God created her. It’s the same with wives who abuse their husbands. They really don’t know who or what he is.
Until you know what you were created to accomplish, you really don’t require a spouse. Eve was uniquely packaged to help Adam accomplish God’s assignment. Adam recognized her as a help meet, not a play mate. Of course, they had to be friends, but, she wasn’t created because Adam was lonely. She was created because he was alone.
And if you’re married, well, do you recognize and acknowledge your spouse as a help meet for you? If your answer is “No”, well, its time to start acknowledging her as your Help-meet.
I thank you dear Father for helping me to discover the reason why you created me. I declare that I am your workmanship, recreated unto good works which you prepared for me beforehand. I ask that you help me, by your spirit, to love, respect and appreciate the Help meet you’ve given me to help me accomplish your special assignment for me in this life.Thank you Lord Jesus.
Genesis 2, Ephesians 2:10, Titus 2:14, Romans 8:30