SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 2024
“Deliver me, O LORD, from the evil man: Preserve me from the violent man;..” PSALMS 140:1
Domestic violence is a serious matter. When a man raises his hand against his wife, there are some who believe he’s sick. Culturally, domestic violence is prevalent in Africa and in some religions where wives are still treated as chattels. But it’s not just women that are victims of domestic violence. A friend who was doing research for her Doctorate once visited a Shelter in Lagos. I was shocked when she told me about the men she met there.
There are Churches that insist that a wife must stay on with a husband who abuses her. Domestic violence isn’t always physical, it can be psychological. A Pastor friend kept insisting that a congregant had to stay on with her violent husband. One day, she showed up at his office battered and bloodied. My friend said he was at the house within minutes to help move the woman’s stuff out.
Our theme verse is an interesting one. The word “violent” in the verse is from the Hebrew word “chamac”and is the same word translated as cruel, wrong, damage, injustice unrighteous and wrong. A husband is to protect his wife. If he turns her into a punching bag, he needs his head examined. The problem is however deeper than most realize. Most of the time, a husband or wife that’s prone to abuse was once a victim.
If you’re in an abusive marriage, don’t stay in the marriage. It’s unfortunate that sometimes, the spouse suffering abuse believes they deserve it and won’t leave unless someone gets them out or the worst happens. I’m not saying get a divorce the next day, I’m saying get away from the violent man. Go somewhere safe and then seek help. If you can’t get away by yourself, alert someone. On no account should you keep quiet. The Abuser needs help too.
And if you suspect someone is being abused, don’t keep quiet. In most countries, domestic violence is a serious crime and there are agencies that specialize in dealing with it. If you are tempted to walk away and “mind your business”, remember, the next victim could be your son or daughter, somewhere, someday. Don’t walk away.
Dear Father, I pray for everyone in an abusive marriage today and I ask that you give them the wisdom and the courage to speak up and seek help, quickly. I pray that you will send help to these precious souls in good time and I pray that they be delivered from the Abusers and that they and their children get the right counseling help in Jesus Name.
Malachi 2:16, Psalm 140:1,