SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 2024
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;– Ephesians 5:25
It is interesting that God never told any man engaged to be married, to love his Fiancée. Its almost as if God isn’t really interested in any relationship before marriage. God’s position is like he doesn’t countenance dating and engagement. Once there is a marriage however, God calls a husband and commands him, “Love your wife”.
The point is, the moment a man gets married he’s under a God given obligation to love the woman he married. Its not an advice, its not an opinion and its not a suggestion. It is a command. This is really serious business because this love that a man is commanded to have for his wife is Agape, divine and sacrificial.
You can now see why Agape is not a feeling. It is a product of the mind, the Will and the intellect. It is a decision. The minute after you signed the Marriage Register, you must conclude that you love this woman you just married. From then on, it doesn’t matter who she is, what she does or doesn’t do. God’s commandment is that you love her.
Now, you cannot say “But that’s impossible”. Firstly, if it was impossible for you to exhibit Agape towards your wife, God wouldn’t command you to do so. If God would ask you to do something impossible, that would be sheer wickedness and we know God is not wicked. Secondly, the Bible tells us in Romans 5:5, that Agape was put in our hearts by the precious Holy Spirit. This is what makes it possible for us to love like God.
This is why its important to choose the right life partner and not be moved by feelings, emotions or the flesh. Obviously, its going to be easier to love some ladies and quite difficult to love some others. There are principles of success in choosing the right spouse and I hope you will learn and apply them.
And if you are married already and you are finding it difficult to obey God’s command to love your wife, well, divorce isn’t the answer. There are principles of success in marriage and if you will apply these principles with God’s help, you can still have a blissful marriage.
Thank you Lord, for teaching me your Logus on my relationship with my wife. I pray that you will open my eyes of understanding to lay hold of the principles of success in choosing the right spouse and loving my spouse with the Love you have shed abroad in my heart. Amen.
Romans 5:5, Ephesians 5:28, Colossians 3:19