Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. Mark 9:23
Yesterday, we learnt the work of patience in the walk of Faith. We learnt that Faith is not magic and that there’s always a fight of Faith when you decide to fix your marriage. We learnt that faith requires persistence and we have to hold on to God’s word and discountenance facts if we are truly walking by Faith.
What then do we mean when we say we are believing God or that we believe God? Many Christians confuse Faith and Belief but they are not the same thing. As we’ve explained, Faith is persuasion. To have Faith is to be persuaded that God’s word is truth and to then hold on to God’s word even when there are contrary circumstances staring you in the face.
Faith is a noun while believe is a verb. Believe is an action word. To believe is to take action based on Faith. To believe is to be so persuaded that you begin to take action because of or based on what you believe. Abraham believed God and he set out on a journey, not knowing where he was going. Noah believed God’s word that a flood was coming, even though it had never rained on the earth and he started to build an Ark.
In the Book of James we are told that Faith without corresponding action cannot produce anything worthwhile. You are expected to show your faith by your works. To believe God’s word is to be so persuaded about God’s integrity that you are prepared to stake your life on that word of God.
The moment you decide to fight for your marriage, you must begin to take definite steps towards fixing your marriage. You have to start praying, go for counseling, if necessary, and begin to get more information about marriage from God and from Men and women that have a marriage ministry.
You must begin to showing love to your wife and respect to your husband. You have to find out what makes your wife feel loved and what makes your husband feel respected and you begin to do these things consciously. These actions are what show that you have faith that your marriage can be turned around.
Your spouse may be skeptical when they first see the change in you. This should not deter you at all. As you continue, they will see that you are really serious about making your marriage a success and they will begin to respond, sooner or later.
Thank you Lord Jesus for teaching me to add works to my Faith regarding my desire to fix my marriage. I ask for wisdom to relate with my spouse and for patience in continuing to do the things that are necessary towards making my marriage heaven on earth. Amen.
Mark 9:23, James 2:17. James 2:20