First things First



 “And we know that all things work together for good. to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose”. (Romans 8:28)

There is a general purpose of God for all Believers and there’s a specific assignment that God has given each Believer to accomplish. There’s a help-meet sent along in the form of a spouse to help a Believer succeed in that divine assignment. If a Believer doesn’t desire marriage, his assignment will not require a help-meet in the form of a spouse.

Our theme scripture shows us that there’s the main purpose of God from which all individual assignments must flow. Revelation 4:11 tells us that God created everything and everything exists for His purpose. All divine assignments must therefore be rooted in and flow from God’s main purpose.

From our theme verse, you can see something quite obvious and that’s the fact that the verse speaks only to people that love God. However, this doesn’t refer to just anyone who can say they love God. Jesus said, “If you love me, keep my commandments” If you don’t keep His commandments, you don’t love Him.

His greatest commandment is found in Mathew 28:19. He said “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations…..” This is the reason He came, was killed, buried and resurrected. In Luke 19: 10 Jesus declared that he came specifically to seek and save that which was lost.

There are Believers who say “Well, I really don’t know God’s specific purpose for my life”. If you’re in that category, why not start with preaching the gospel and getting souls saved? If you’re married, you and your spouse can get involved in evangelism campaigns, you can start praying for missionaries together, you can talk to your family and friends who aren’t saved about Jesus.  You’ll find so much fulfillment when you commit your skills, resources, status and time for the furtherance of the Gospel of Christ.

And if you’re Single, it should be obvious that an Unbeliever cannot be your help-meet to win and disciple souls for Christ. This is a major reason why someone who is saved shouldn’t get married to an Unbeliever. Spiritual things are foolishness to Unbelievers, they just can’t get it. To them, religion is a personal thing but Christianity is not a religion.


I thank you dear Lord Jesus, for enlisting me in the Ministry of reconciliation. I affirm that my spouse and I are consummate soul winners and sons of consolation in our local church assembly, fulfilling our roles in the Great Commission, spreading the good news of the death, resurrection and the gift of eternal life all over the world.



Mark 15:16, 2Corinthians 5:20, 1 Corinthians 9:16