SUNDAY, JULY 7, 2024
For the husband provides leadership for the wife, just as Christ provides leadership for his church, as the Savior and Reviver of the body. Ephesians 5:23 (TPT)
The Bible tells us that the Husband is the head of the wife and this has caused a lot of problems in many homes, even when the couple are Believers. Men have interpreted our theme scripture to mean that they can lord it over their wives and women have been in rebellion over the scripture.
So, what does headship mean? Well, headship is an office, its not a title. A man occupies that office, not because he’s better than his wife but because God ordained it so. With headship comes responsibility, service and accountability. Headship is for providing leadership for the wife.
It is important to point out that a husband’s headship is not in vacuum. He is the head of his wife, just as Christ is the Head of the Church. What this means is simply that Christ is every husband’s role model when it comes to headship. The husband is also the head of his home but today’s discussion relates to the couple.
A husband has a lot of responsibilities towards his wife. He is her Priest, Protector and Provider. As the priest of his home he must teach his wife God’s word and he must pray for her. Yes, in the New Testament, the wife is also a Priest but the husband is the High Priest of his home. The Lord Jesus Christ still prays for the Church today. That’s what Heb 7:25 tells us.
God will always answer the prayers of a husband for his wife, just as He answers the prayers of the Lord Jesus Christ for the Church. God answered the prayer of Isaac for his wife Rebekah and opened her womb. It is a sin for a priest not to pray for his congregation. A husband must pray for his wife constantly.
A priest has a duty to teach his congregation God’s word. The husband’s duty to teach his wife God’s word is quite serious. This connotes that the husband must be more spiritually mature. If his wife is more mature, how is he going to teach her? A husband must be a prolific student of the word as it is his job to teach his wife and guide her in the things of the spirit.
You will agree that the office of Headship is quite a serious responsibility. But God never asks us to do anything he hasn’t given us Grace for. There’s more than enough Grace available for every husband that steps into the office of Headship. All you have to do is receive it.
Thank you Lord Jesus for the privilege you’ve given me to be the head of my wife and my home. I am determined to be an excellent husband and I receive Grace today to function excellently in my office. Thank you Lord Jesus.
1 Timothy 5:8, 1 Samuel 12:23, Malachi 2:7